147. CLIENT STORY: How Sunem Lost 9 Pounds of Fat and Gained 13 Pounds of Muscle

My client Sunem is officially back on the podcast. She is my long-term 1:1 client. We have been working together for 2 years, but the results she's created in the past 6 months are mind-blowing! She didn't start this way, though. When we first worked together, she struggled with emotional eating, staying consistent because of a lack of motivation, and not feeling confident in her body.

This is why most of the work Sunem did in the first round of 1:1 coaching was overcoming these challenges. To learn more, tune into part 1 of her journey here on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6S2VfCShvBGOFsXl1vSSI7?si=VERT89LsSEmJZ7iQ8DRixA

On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/104-client-story-taking-baby-steps-to-lose-weight-and/id1546118828?i=1000631065552

In this episode, we will explore how she went from being intimidated by the gym to lifting weights four times a week. She went from not being able to do a push-up to now doing eight in a row, lifting over 130+ pounds in her squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts. Tune in as we go through her fat loss phase after building a strong foundation.

Let’s Work Together:

Join 6 months 1:1 coaching where you lose 20 pounds and keep it off eating your cultural foods. No dieting. No restricting. This program is designed to help you be the most consistent you’ve ever been and feel confident in your skin again. To apply, book a free sales call here and let’s chat: https://calendly.com/superlysam/6-months-1-1-coaching-sales-call

For more details about 1:1 coaching, visit this link: https://superlysam.com/coaching

Visit my website: www.superlysam.com

Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/superlysam

Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superlysam

Want to know what kind of eater are you? Take the Quiz here: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/65b148513f80c00014711569