128. Using Food To Heal Your Body ft. Naihomy Jerez

Naihomy Jerez is a food and holistic health coach for women of color. She specializes in teaching busy women how to use food to heal while living their BEST life! Naihomy lost 50 pounds and reversed her pre-diabetes while still eating what she loves. In this episode, she shares how you can use food to your advantage and make it work for your body so you can support your health long-term. Cause your health is not just about you, it is the knowledge you pass down for generations to come. Naihomy is a health advocate for her community. Her work has helped dozens of clients reverse their blood pressure and pre-diabetes, get their menstrual cycle back, help PCOS women get pregnant, and manage their thyroid conditions. Her work is life-changing and I can’t wait for you to hear this conversation.

To connect with Naihomy, visit these links:




Let’s Work Together:

Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform

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