109. End Of The Year Pressure To Lose 20 Pounds QUICKLY

It’s near the end of the year. If you are having major doubts because you told yourself 2023 was gonna be the year you lose 20 pounds but it didn’t happen yet, you need to listen to this episode. I share with you how to deal with the end of the year pressure so that you don’t get into the diet mindset where you restrict the heck out of yourself OR the f*ck it mentality where you give yourself a free pass to eat as much as you want during the holidays and start fresh in the new year. Cause here’s the thing, BOTH of those will ruin your progress. Not just that too– the bad habits that you don’t want to deal with now (like emotional eating, portioning and eating food just because) is gonna show up on Jan 1st. This is why I share why the earlier you start, the stronger your healthy habits will be to support you in 2024 and FOREVA so tune in.

Let’s connect:

Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off:


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