122. CLIENT STORY: Protect Your Health and Leave a Toxic Job ft. Julie Her
In this episode, I have a raw honest conversation with my client Julie about how she protected her health by leaving a toxic job for an internship. She shares how the stressful work environment drained her energy and how it didn’t motivate her to workout. She shares how she came into 6 months 1:1 coaching wanting to lose 10 pounds and how she changed her weight loss goal halfway to meet her body where it was at by taking it one step at a time. She is now living a healthy lifestyle where she can take care of her health while having a good relationship with her Hmong food without guilt. Most importantly, she learned how to have courage to leave any toxic environment. Tune in. :)
Let’s connect:
Private 1:1 Coaching - Let’s break diet habits you’ve created that have you falling off on the weekends and help you fuel your body with foods you actually like so you can lose 20 pounds and feel confident keeping it off: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDES2k0ZD4WS_SV4YtIl5j_f456jADlGBRlGMaKyXtZoWoog/viewform
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